Y2 measured the height of their runner beans. We are going to put them on cane wigwams.
Computing – Outdoor Learning
Outdoor Learning
Careers Day
Y2 thoroughly enjoyed the Careers Day this week.
Laura talked about her career as an architect.
Mr Maloney was very enthusiastic about his 40 years in banking. Afterwards Aaron said “I am so inspired that I just want to do one of these jobs”.
Mrs Cubbin talked about her role as a pharmaceutical representative.
The children thoroughly enjoyed listening to Mrs Farrell talking about her role as a Police Officer. They had fun trying on equipment.
Estimating and Measuring
Estimation Station
Year 2 have an Estimation Station. Every Week we estimate the mass of an object, the capacity of a container, length and number. Last week Isabella brought in her loom bands. We estimated the length in metres and centimetres. The loom bands measured 3m 52 cm. Esme estimated 3 m 50 cm! Fantastic estimation Esme.
The Great Fire of London
Y2 enjoying music – with a touch of Reggae.
The Great Fire of London
Explore the Great Fire of London Game. www.fireoflondon.org.uk/game/