Roald Dahl day


We will be celebrating Roald Dahl day on Wednesday and I would like to make dream jars with the children, based on the BFG book. Please could you send in a clean glass jar as soon as possible? A jam jar, Dolmio jar or coffee jar would be ideal.


Mrs Fairhurst



We are learning to create our own algorithms in Computing this term. We are using Scratch software which can be downloaded for free at There is also a free user guide on the website, along with online tutorials.

I hold a free Scratch Club every Tuesday lunchtime which all juniors are invited to attend. This is a drop in session and places don’t need to be booked. If you would like to visit our blogs or use Mathletics, you are welcome to do this also.

Mrs Fairhurst

Y6 Enterprise Day

Well done year 6! What a super Enterprise Day. Year 2 really enjoyed it.

Y2 Spelling – Please remember to learn your 30 spellings for next week. These are all spellings we have covered this year.